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Pandocréon Carta-Genius
Carta-Genius is a software that helps you when you want to generate PDF files with playing cards inside. These PDF files could be used by professional printers to make digital printings. Pandocréon's cards are made with this tool.
The software compute automatically the cards' position on the pages, depending of paper and cards size, and draw cut lines at the right places.

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Accès en ligne
You can use Carta-Genius without installing it, thanks to our online interface. Send your files and get back the generated PDF.

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File Version Weight Language Notes
carta-genius-5.2.0-fr.pdf 5.2.0-fr 1.7 MO fr Full documentation
pandocreon_carta-genius_aide-memoire-5.2.0.zip 5.2.0-fr 15 KO fr Quick-Guide
pandocreon_carta-genius_quick-guide-5.2.0.zip 5.2.0-en 14 KO en Quick-Guide
pandocreon_carta-genius-5.2.0-i686.tgz 5.2.0 2 MO fr - en Linux executable + documentation
pandocreon_carta-genius-5.2.0-windows-install.exe 5.2.0 7.6 MO fr Windows automatic installation + graphical user interface + documentation
pandocreon_carta-genius-3.6.0-macosx.tar.gz 3.6.0 1.6 MO fr - en Mac OS X executable + documentation
pandocreon_carta-genius-5.2.0-src.tgz 5.2.0 14 MO fr - en C Sources + documentation